
I have taught writing and editing with Writers Digest University, at public libraries, with small writers groups, and independently.
The best writing instructors will help you find your way of telling your story while instilling a sense of the “how-to’s” of writing. My favorite topics to teach are: finding your voice; story “stuff” including dialogue, setting, characters, and conflict; learning how to be your own editor; and why stories work.
I’m passionate about sharing my love of writing and making it accessible to novice and underrepresented groups. Learn more about upcoming and former online and in-person workshops I’ve taught. If you like what you see and want to bring me to your school, library, non-profit, or any other group of humans, contact me.
Here are some of the workshops I’ve taught:
Perfecting the Building Blocks of Stories
Stories are all around us, from novels to movies to articles–even the backs of cereal boxes tell a story. This 5-week series focuses on the building blocks of stories and how we can strengthen every aspect of our fiction or non-fiction. Ideal for beginners or folks who need a refresher. Free and open to the public. A program at Pauline Robinson Branch Library.
Find Your Voice Writing Workshop
Finding your voice can be one of the most difficult, yet empowering, things you can do to improve your writing and help your stories come together. Come to this 4-week workshop series prepared to write, read, discuss and hone your writing voice. Ideal for those interested in writing memoir, fiction, non-fiction and essays. A free, open workshop at the Park Hill Branch Library.
Story “Stuff”
Story Stuff is a 4-week series of workshops focused on the building blocks of fiction and nonfiction. We’ll read examples, discuss, and then practice what we learn about: character, dialogue, setting, and conflict. Free and open to the public. A program at Park Hill Branch Library.
Plots, Naughts, and Sticky Spots
Do you start writing a story only to find yourself completely lost by page three? Are you not sure where your plot is going? Is it difficult to get your ideas on the page? Then join local writer and editor S.E. Fleenor for this 4-week series of workshops covering everything that goes wrong when writing fiction, memoir, and non-fiction. A program at Park Hill Branch Library.
Park Hill Branch Library Writer in Residence
Park Hill Branch Library hosted me as their Writer in Residence in April of 2018. I worked with library patrons to help them with new or existing writing projects. Whether you’re at the brainstorming phase, have started a draft, or are about to finish your piece, our Writer in Residence will be here to help you by providing feedback and writing prompts. Come prepared to work on a piece you’ve already started or respond to the writing prompts provided. A program at Park Hill Branch Library.
Denver Voice Workshop on Reporting (Private Event)
This one-day workshop focuses on an introduction to reporting for Denver VOICE vendors. Participants will learn about the basic principles and ethics of journalism through readings, discussion, and exercises. Come prepared to read, talk, and brainstorm your first reported article! This is a private workshop for Denver VOICE vendors.
But, What’s the Story? Workshop
Stories are all around us, from poems to movies to articles–even the backs of cereal boxes tell a story. In this one-day workshop, we will explore elements of the story using real world examples from industry magazines. We will discuss conflict, goals, characters, setting, and so much more. Come prepared to work on a piece you’ve already started or respond to the writing prompts provided. A workshop at Hard Times Writers Workshop.
Editing as Excavation: Youth Workshop
The key to getting your stories to come together is the ability to figure out what you want to write and why. Knowing how to refine and edit your work is key to honing your voice. This one-hour workshop was designed for 13-15 year olds at a Denver Public Schools charter school.
Editing Without Losing Your Sh*t (or Your Story)
Hemingway once said, “The only kind of writing is rewriting.” Editing is one of the most important aspects of writing, but it is easy to spend days, even weeks, changing the same word back and forth. This two-hour workshop will provide 10 keys and tips for editing, as well as writing prompts to practice your new skills. A workshop at Hard Times Writers Workshop.
Unlocking Your Personal Gate: James Baldwin on Writing
A facilitated conversation and in depth look at Baldwin’s writing to help spur students’ writing. A workshop at Hard Times Writers Workshop.